Be sure to watch all the Sit Means Sit dogs jump big, fly high and swim fast at the 2010 Dogs and Logs World Championships on the Outdoor Channel.

Dogs and sawdust will fly as two of the highest rated sports in the outdoor market collide in Stihl Dogs & Logs, only on Outdoor Channel, “America’s Leader in Outdoor TV.”
From the organizers of the Great Outdoors Games, Dock Dogs and Lumberjack Sports International comes a unique competition of both Dock Dogs events (in which the world’s best canines compete in multiple displays of air, retrieval, and speed) and Ironjack (where elite lumberjacks compete in six back-to-back events to claim the crown of “King of the Forest”). Stihl Dogs & Logs also features – for the first time – a combined Dogs and Logs Relay Championship; which pits teams of lumberjacks and the dogs in a winner-take-all race.
Dogs & Logs is also unique in that the Outdoor Channel series highlights not just the sporting event. The show is also a fascinating look behind-the-scenes at what it takes to compete and the lives of those same competitors and owners. Shot documentary style, the combination of the event and the participants will give birth to new Outdoor Channel heroes and display the spirit of competition; with all the victory and defeat that comes with it.
Ryan McGuire
SIT MEANS SIT Dog Training Temecula
Sorry, We Don’t Train Husbands, Wives, or Kids!

(951) 246-8223
Serving these Southern California locations: Temecula, DeLuz, Redhawk, Tenaja, Murrieta, French Valley, La Cresta, Wildomar, Bear Creek, Lake Elsinore, Canyon Lake, Menifee, Sun City, Winchester, Romoland, Perris, Homeland, San Jacinto and Hemet
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